Wednesday 30 October 2013

5 elemants

a.  lifestyle
b. colour
c. calmness
d. shape
e. angle
     My topic is college life .When I have a took in this 30 pictures that inspired me such as view of the place in college. Meanwhile, in these 30 pictures I was found only 5 elements.
     Firstly is lifestyle .Lifestyle is a daily routine and what people are doing like working, studying, eating and etc… Furthermore, each person also has the unique way to life, is different for everyone! On the other hand, that person love to reading novel when their free. This is also one part of the lifestyle for a person.
     Secondly is color. Actually color is for me is soul, nature, and also including out emotion and behaviors inside. Moreover, color also got some tight connection with psychological effects on people. Example,
Orange color is enhances a feeling of vitality and happiness. Furthermore, color does not only give pleasure and vent. It also has a purpose. Like imagine life without the color of nature! It would indeed be dull and monotonous the sparkle of life will not be there!
     Thirdly is calmness. Is the mental state of being free from agitation, excitement or disturbance. It also refers being in a state of serenity, tranquility or peace. In addition, also can most easily occur for the average person during a state of relaxation but it can be found during much more alert and aware states. Some people will find that focusing the mind on something external or even internal, such as the breathing can itself be very calming.
     Next is shape and angle. Shape is simple shape cab be described by basic geometry objects such as set of two or more points. A line, a curve, a plane, a plane figure (example: square or circle) or a solid figure (example: cube or sphere). It also can give a particular shape or form to. Additionally, angle is used to describe something that leans or gone to the side rather than straight up or directly forward and also is used to describe a surface that is not level.

     In conclusion, all small things for me is very important and unique. Actually, I feel all things around me is very special for me. Furthermore, it can let me know how am I and also can my self-awareness for me.   

Friday 4 October 2013

what is a fashion design to me?

what is a fashion design to me?

Fashion design is the art of the application of design and aesthetics or natural beauty to clothing and accessories  . Furthermore ,fashion design also is influenced by cultural and social latitudes ,and also has varied over time and place .In addition ,fashion designer also is work in a numbers of ways in designing clothing and accessories because of the time required to bring a garment onto the market ,must at times anticipate changing consumer taste .Fashion designer also attempt to design clothes which are a functional as well as aesthetically pleasing .They must consider who is likely to wear a garment and the situations in which it will be worn .They also have a wide range and combinations of materials to work with and a wide range colors ,patterns and styles to choose from .Next , though most clothing worn for everyday wear fans with a narrow range of conventional styles ,usually garments are usually sought for special occasions such as evening wear or party dresses.    Fashion also got many definition like : any mode of dressing or adornment that is popular during particular time or particular place ( ie : the current styles) .It can change from one period to the next ,from generation to generation .It also serves as a reflection of social and economic status ,a function that explains the popularity of many styles throughout costume history .In the west ,courts have been a major soirees of fashion .Furthermore ,in the 19th and 20th centuries ,fashion are increasingly  became an profitable ,international industry as a result of the rise of world-renowned fashion houses and fashion magazine .Therefore ,fashion also can using into the business like of creating and selling in a new styles .Examples of fashion also got many like the jewelry and clothing are fashion vary with the season ,short skirt have come back into fashion and fashions also have changed in recent years and etc…    Pharrell Williams got once said “fashion has to reflect who are you ,what you feel at the moment ,and where you’re going .It dosen’t have to be bright ,dosen’t have to be loud .Just have to be you.” I’m very agreed what are the Pharrell  Williams are saying about it.    In conclusion  ,fashion for me is fashion will help you to express “yourself” and therefore it should always be based an what you find interesting. Furthermore ,fashion is an expression of one’s inner self and net a reflection of every one’s expectation of what should be expressed. .In addition ,I think fashion also are brought a colorful’s life for us and also can make our design  in own styles and own taste.

